You may start a topic here for an Open Carry Log -- a place to relay places and any events which may occur.
 #36660  by donjuan85
Last thursday met myopicvisionary at crossroads. Nice guy. Very knowledgable. Today oc at dunkin donuts on polly drummond hill rd. Also oc at sunoco on ogletown stanton rd. Definately getting easier to oc when done more frequently.
 #36776  by donjuan85
Yesterday oc'd at burger king on 202 and also at x-ring. Gonna get my self in trouble if i keep going there.
 #36778  by donjuan85
I will definitely stay off of the stackers.
 #36912  by donjuan85
Oc'd again to crossroads today. Those people dont even look in there. Also oc'd at sunoco on ogletown-stanton road. Those people in there dont budge. I think even gave me a discount.